Chrissie's Owls is a non-profit organisation of a small group of people committed to the care and conservation of Owls based in Oxfordshire.
We provide owl rescue services for Oxfordshire and surrounding counties.
We attend large country shows all over the country and also go to fetes and other events, give talks to groups and organisations and visit nursing homes and hospitals. We also give educational talks to schools and can provide an educational pack to be used in conjunction with our visit.
We run Owl Evenings, Owl Experiences, Owl Walks and we do home visits for people who are housebound or ill.
For anyone seriously thinking of owning an Owl we do an Owl Care Course.
We can provide trained Owls for film work, photography and also for artists etc.
Chrissies's Owls provide a rescue service for injured wild Owls and also captive bred Owls that for one reason or another need caring for and rehoming.
We are committed to the conservation of these wonderful creatures and provide nest boxes for Barn Owls, Tawny Owls, Little Owls and Kestrels.
We are happy to give advice to anyone who wants to help our native Owl species.
Awarded - Best Wild Bird Rescue & Rehab NPO 2023 - South East England
Chrissies Owls is supported by these local business's